
Here’s the average net worth of Americans ages 55 to 64

Here’s the average net worth of Americans ages 55 to 64

Here’s the average net worth of Americans ages 55 to 64

Net worth tends to increase with age as you earn a higher salary, own more assets and reduce debt. Here’s the average net worth of people in their 50s and 60s.

The median household net worth in the U.S. is $121,700, but it’s almost double that for those in their late 50s and early 60s.

According to the Fed’s latest Survey of Consumer Finances from 2019, the median net worth of Americans between ages 55 and 64 is $212,500. The average net worth, which tends to skew higher due to high-earning outliers, is $1,175,900.

Net worth is the value of assets you have in the bank and any properties you own minus outstanding debt (known as liabilities).

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